Tamar Shippony
תמר שפוני
Website: www.tamar.shippony.com
A video artist and sculptor, researching light and shadow.
From a young age interested in Astronomy, Archaeology, and Dinosaurs. Nowadays creating kinetic sculpture in combination with video projections.
Born in Israel, 1981. Lived in Los Angeles, CA from a very young age and moved back to Israel at age 15.
Lives and works in Jerusalem.
2006-2009 Finished BFA at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
2003-2005 Pratt Institute School of Art and Design (sculpture major), Brooklyn, New York, USA 1996-1999 Alon High School of Arts and Science (fine arts major), Ramat Ha-Sharon, Israel

In Between - שם-מים

From Depths - ממעמקים

Facet - פנים

Human Nature - טבע אדם

Kluv - כלוב

Nothingness and Me - האין והאני

Poem - ספר שיר

Empty Spaces - רווחים

Rings - טבעות

Innerscope - לך לך

The Space Between the Stones - הרווחים שבין האבנים

Studio Window - חלון בסטודיו

Etched Eroded - נצרב נשחק

Etched Eroded Video Installation - נצרב נשחק, מיצב וידאו

Into Being - ויהי

Tashlich - תשליך

Work in Progress - עבודה בתהליך
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